Immediate loading basal implants in India
  • Basal Implants in Mumbai India |
  • 18 October 2023 |

What is the price of Cortico Basal Dental Implant in India: Immediate Loading Procedure & Factors

Welcome to HaiDent, India's top dental implant clinic, offering affordable Cortico Basal dental implant services with exceptional results. Our skilled professionals and cutting-edge technology ensure a strong foundation for successful cortico basal dental implants in India, prioritizing patient satisfaction without compromising quality. Experience personalized care and excellence at HaiDent, the go-to clinic for restoring oral health and confidence. We have multiple locations in Mumbai, Delhi, and Gurgaon, India. Contact us for transparent information on Cortico Basal Dental Implants in India, Immediate loading basal implants in India, All on 4 dental implants in India, All on 6 Dental Implants in India, Full mouth dental implants in India, dental bone grafting in India, and other related dental services. Trust in our expertise and affordable pricing for all your dental implant needs in India.

Which is better: cortico basal implant or conventional implant?

The choice between basal implants and conventional implants depends on the individual's oral health condition, bone structure, and treatment goals. Basal implants are generally considered a better option when dealing with cases of poor bone quality or quantity, as they can often bypass the need for bone grafting. They provide immediate stability and can be loaded with the prosthetic teeth sooner. On the other hand, conventional implants are versatile and suitable for most patients with sufficient bone density. They follow a two-stage process, allowing for proper Osseo integration before placing the final prosthetics. A comprehensive evaluation by a dental professional will determine which type of implant is the best fit for each patient's unique needs.

basal implant procedure in India

Why HaiDent for Basal Implants vs Conventional Implants?

When it comes to the choice between basal implants and conventional implants, HaiDent emerges as the top dental clinic in India. Their team of highly skilled specialists ensures that patients receive the best-in-class treatment with superior outcomes. With state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology, HaiDent excels in accurate diagnosis and precise execution of both basal and conventional implant procedures. What truly sets HaiDent apart is its unwavering commitment to patient satisfaction, offering affordable pricing without compromising on quality. Patients can rely on HaiDent for expert care, personalized attention, and successful results throughout their basal and conventional implant journey in India. Trust HaiDent for a confident and restored smile.

How long do basal implants last?

Basal implants are a newer type of dental implant, and their long-term longevity data is still emerging. However, they are designed to engage the stable basal bone, potentially leading to extended durability, comparable to or even surpassing traditional implants. Research and clinical experience suggest high success rates for basal implants over several years, indicating long-term stability. Nevertheless, individual factors such as overall health, oral hygiene, and the expertise of the dental professional can influence their lifespan. For the most accurate information, consult a qualified dental implant specialist who can provide personalized guidance based on the latest research and clinical outcomes.

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What is a conventional implant?

A conventional implant, often associated with dental procedures, is a titanium post surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. This implant undergoes osseointegration, forming a solid bond with the bone, and offering stability. It serves as an artificial tooth root, anchoring prosthetic teeth like crowns, bridges, or dentures securely. Distinguished from alternative implant types, conventional implants provide a reliable, long-lasting solution for individuals seeking tooth replacement. Beyond dentistry, implants find applications in orthopedics, cardiology, and cosmetics, each designed to restore function or aesthetics in a specific medical context.

how many types of basal implants?

There are primarily five main types of basal implants in India:

  1. Bicortical Screw Implants: These are the most common and versatile basal implants, securing into both the outer and inner layers of the cortical bone for exceptional stability.
  2. Cortical Plate Implants: These thin, plate-like implants anchor along the outer surface of the cortical bone, making them suitable for situations with limited vertical bone height.
  3. Bicortical Compression Screws: Similar to screw implants, they compress the bone as they are inserted, making them useful when dealing with lower bone density.
  4. Hybrid Implants: Combining elements of both basal and traditional implants, hybrids are versatile, accommodating varying bone quality within the jaw.
  5. BOI (Basal Osseointegrated Implants): A specific brand of basal implants known for its design and reliability.
These different types of basal implants allow for flexibility in addressing various patient needs and clinical situations.

What is the procedure for basal Implants?

Cortico Basal implant placement is a specialized dental procedure that involves several key steps for restoring oral health. Below is a concise table outlining the general procedure for placing basal implants in mumbai, Delhi, and Gurgaon India.

Step Description
Consultation - Meet with a specialist for evaluation and assessment.
Treatment Plan - Develop a customized treatment plan.
Anesthesia - Administer local anesthesia or sedation.
Incision - Make a small gum tissue incision.
Drilling - Create channels in cortical bone.
Implant Placement - Insert basal implants.
Suturing - Suture gum tissue for proper healing.
Post-Operative Care - Receive care instructions and medications.
Healing Period - Allow for implant-bone integration.
Prosthesis Attachment - Attach prosthetic teeth.

What is a price of basal Implants?

The cost of basal implants can vary widely depending on various factors, including your location, the number of implants needed, the type of prosthesis (crown, bridge, denture), the expertise of the dental specialist, and any additional treatments or procedures required. On average, the price for a single basal implant can range from $350 to $500 or more. For a precise cost estimate, please consult a local dental specialist or reach out to us. We take pride in our top-tier expert, Dr. Prof. Rohit Yadav, who specializes in basal dental implants in India. With a track record of successfully placing over 15,000 implants worldwide at HaiDent Dental Clinic in India.

basal implant price in India

Here are the top 5 factors that can influence the Price of basal dental implants in India:

Factors Description
Implant Type The specific design and material of the basal implant used can impact the overall cost.
Implant Brand Different brands of basal implants may have varying price ranges.
Dental Surgeon's Expertise The experience and skill of the dental surgeon performing the procedure can affect the cost.
Clinic Location The geographical location of the dental clinic can influence the cost of the procedure.
Additional Procedures The need for any additional procedures, such as bone grafting, may add to the total cost.

Please note that the actual costs may vary depending on individual cases and the specific dental clinic. It's essential to consult with a qualified dental professional to get an accurate estimate for your specific situation.

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dental implant cost

1.Implant Type - The cost of basal implants for dental procedures in India can vary based on the implant type, which includes the specific design and material used. Different designs may require varying levels of complexity during the surgical procedure, leading to cost differences. Additionally, the material of the basal implant can also influence the overall price, with some materials being more expensive than others. Titanium is commonly used due to its biocompatibility, but newer or specialized materials might come at a higher cost. The choice of implant type should be carefully considered in consultation with a dental professional, considering the patient's oral health needs and budget constraints.

2.Implant Brand - The price of Cortico Basal Dental Implant for dental procedures in India can be influenced by the brand of the implant used. Different brands may offer variations in the design, material quality, and manufacturing processes, leading to varying price ranges. Well-established and reputable brands might come with a higher price tag due to their proven track record of success and research. These brands often invest in ongoing research and development to improve their products, which can be reflected in the cost. On the other hand, lesser-known brands or generic options might offer more budget-friendly alternatives. Patients should discuss the options with their dental professionals to find the best balance between quality, reliability, and affordability based on their specific needs.

3.Dental Surgeon's Expertise - The dental surgeon's expertise in performing the basal dental implant system in India, can significantly influence the cost. Highly experienced and skilled surgeons may charge higher fees due to their extensive training, track record of successful cases, and specialized knowledge. Their proficiency in performing the procedure can lead to better outcomes and reduced risks, which can justify the higher cost. On the other hand, less experienced or less specialized dental professionals might offer lower fees, but patients should carefully consider their qualifications and success rates. Opting for a well-qualified surgeon ensures a higher likelihood of a successful and safe implant procedure, making it a worthwhile investment in the long run.

4.Clinic Location - The geographical location of the dental clinic can have a significant impact on the Price of Immediate loading cortica basal implants in India. Dental services in metropolitan areas and major cities are generally more expensive than in smaller towns or rural regions. This price difference is often attributed to higher overhead costs, such as rent, utilities, and labour, in urban centers. In contrast, dental clinics in less urbanized areas may have lower operating expenses, resulting in more competitive pricing. Patients should consider the cost differential while weighing other factors like the expertise of the dental professional and the convenience of the location. Ultimately, choosing a reputable clinic with a skilled dental team should remain a priority, regardless of location-based cost fluctuations.

affordable basal Dental Implants in India

5.Additional Procedures - The cost of affordable basal Dental Implants in India can be affected by the need for additional procedures, such as bone grafting. In some cases, patients may not have enough healthy bone to support the implant, necessitating a bone graft to enhance bone volume and density. The cost of such supplementary procedures will be added to the overall treatment expenses. The complexity of these additional steps, along with the materials and expertise required, can contribute to the increase in cost. Patients should discuss the necessity of any supplementary procedures with their dental professional, understanding the potential benefits they offer in ensuring the success and longevity of the basal implant.

At HaiDent, we believe that a stunning smile has the ability to transform your life Contact us now to book an appointment to schedule a consultation and discover how our skilled Dental Implant doctors and affordable procedures can give you the smile of your dreams. You can trust us that we can provide top-notch care skilfully, affordably, and carefully improve your smile. Our Professionals are dedicated to giving you the highest-quality dental implant solution. A beautiful smile will restore your self-confidence and make you feel better about yourself.

Affordable Basal Dental Implants In India With Haident.

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basal implant procedure in India

types of basal implants

basal implant placement in Mumbai India

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basal implant price in India

basal implants cost in Mumbai India

Basal implant placement in Gurgaon India

cost of basal implants in Gurgaon India

price of Cortico Basal Dental Implant in India

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Basal implants clinic in Mumbai

affordable basal Dental Implants in India

Immediate loading basal implants in India


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Hai Dent HaiDent has modern, hi-tech and multi-speciality dental clinics across Mumbai and Gurgaon(Delhi NCR). Our focus is to provide quality and comfortable dental care services to all patients hence we have a team of highly experienced and specialized dentists with quintessential skills. Our clinic infrastructure includes the Latest Dental & sterilization equipment to offer high standards of hygiene in dental procedures.

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